Sunday, January 04, 2009


Give Norah a little time alone with a stack of boardgames and see what happens!


KrumperKids said...

Oh no!! Did Harry give her the sword to sleep with?

Diane said...

Holy Smoley. What fun she must have had> What a mess for you. That is the problem with a quiet one.

Diane said...

Holy Smoley. What fun she must have had> What a mess for you. That is the problem with a quiet one.

Diane said...

Sorry i didn't mean to post twice.

goldmania said...

LOL ok I love this picture. this is generally what my house looks like before Andy gets home from work. Maybe it's a good thing we haven't had the kids play together yet. JK

Raegan said...

I am really feeling for you after seeing those pics! I would be beside myself...